Ways to De-Stress on a Time Crunch | Faceted Media

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By Tanya Kaufman, Faceted Media Intern

Take A Moment To De-Stress During Your Busy Day

On a time-crunch and having trouble finding time in the day to find ways to de-stress? (I know I do.)  Well, here are a few little ways to de-stress that you could do without taking too much time out of your busy day (two thumbs up!). De-stressing is a great way to lessen the load without worrying too much about everything else that is going on!

First of all, take a little time to do something that you love. If you do something you love for five minutes, it helps a great deal. If the something that you love takes more than five minutes to do, check in with yourself. Then make a plan. Plan a time everyday where you can do this one special thing, just to take a break and focus on yourself.

While you are doing this, take a moment to close your eyes and focus on how you are doing physically, mentally, and emotionally. If you are struggling say, emotionally, think about how you want to improve in that area and write down what you will do to help yourself. Then, check in with yourself at the end of the next day and see if you have met that goal. If you have, then list how you can improve on this goal, but if you haven’t, then keep on trying.


Ways to De-Stress


Stop. Breath. Think. The App to Find Ways To De-Stress

Another way to de-stress is a mobile app that I recommend called, “Stop. Breathe. Think.” It is an app that helps people take a moment out of their day and practice self-care for themselves. It is an efficient way to de-stress without having to do something that will take up time that you feel is needed (how nice!). “Stop. Breathe. Think.” helps an individual find good ways to de-stress and practice self-care based on what they are feeling that day.

When you first come into the app, it will ask you to take a deep breath for 10 seconds. Then, the app will ask you about how you are doing physically, mentally, and emotionally, proceeding to provide activities based on your responses. The app then calculates a few different ways for you to de-stress.

If I go onto the app and say I am feeling good physically, but feeling anxious and stressed mentally, “Stop. Breathe. Think.” will recommend a few ways to de-stress for just five minutes, such as noting and strengthening your presence. This app is a great way to become more mindful of what you need without taking too much out of your day.