Recently, Faceted Media got the opportunity to spread into NYC, the Big Apple, New York City! (You know….where they make salsa!) Just kidding, that’s a retro joke from the 90’s if you ever watched TV and happened upon a certain commercial.
Back to NYC. We are delighted and enamored (yes, both) to have a fabulously talented and incredibly special client in Manhattan. Being a virtual business, Faceted Media can work from anywhere globally. And, we do. When we get a chance to meet our clients in person though, it is so uniquely special. Thank you to New York City for being everything we could ever dream of and more.

What Went Down in NYC
Well, of course, we did all the touristy stuff we could pack in. When we say touristy, we’re a litle more offbeat than the rest though. For us, touristy was seeing Chick Corea, John McLaughlin and Victor Wooten at the Blue Note, followed by Book of Mormon the next day and a stroll to our favorite thinking spot in NYC, Strawberry Fields in Central Park.
Additionally, being the entrepreneurs and go-getters that we are, you better believe we came prepared to make genuine connections with people who “got us.” That’s really the secret to the puzzle by the way, just go where it feels right. Do what feel right. Connect with people who you relate to. The rest will fall into place.
That said, we searched for socially conscious meet-ups and events and found the Centre for Social Innovation (awesome!!). We also scheduled meetings ahead of time with peeps we admired from afar that live in the NYC area. Being that it was Christmastime (note to self), this was more difficult than usual because many groups were skipping their December meetings and having a members-only party. Regardless, we forged onward, determined to put our neon/tie-dye/hot pink/rainbow/leopard footprint on this great city that we so adore…
To prepare, we created a “Faceted Media NYC Game Plan.” Every business trip should be an attempt to try to do the best you can to get your message across in the best way possible. So, we prepared:
Faceted Media’s NYC Game Plan Check List:
- Stickers with business name and catchy slogan!!! (Let’s sticker the town, she says!)
- Business cards & rack cards (You always need these and we sure did on Monday night!)
- DSLR cameras (Stay tuned for our NYC stock photo giveaway)
- Meet-Ups and Networking Events
- Hashtag (#fmdoesnyc)
- Instagram Story!
The Follow-Through
As we know, all good plans start with a great idea. But many bad plans start with a great idea and just stop there. That’s why they’re bad. They aren’t real. So, we conquered and made sure to attend networking events. My fave? The improvisational storytelling class offered at the Centre for Social Innovation Building in the Chelsea neighborhood of NYC.
At the event, we had a blast playing improv games and getting to know each other. The co-working space is supremely impactful in this neighborhood. It was bumpin’ up in there with social change do-gooders! Just our style! We met so many people and heard so many stories. We also learned how to tweak our storytelling to capture audiences even better than before. Thank you!!
The Insta-Story!
I’m sure you’ve all been waiting patiently…now it’s time for the #fmdoesnyc Instagram Story. We’ve mixed fun and business and of course lots of NYC footage. Using Instagram Stories is a great way to share special micro-moments with your peeps! And, it can also be used to explain a process, a product, restaurant review, travelogue as we did or really anything you can think of.
One of my favorite Instagram Story profiles to follow along with is the National Geographic Instagram page and their stories. I learn a ton and you can see how they use chronological sequences and text to visually tell a story. If you’re thinking about using Instagram Stories for your business, check theirs out, it really shows you how it’s done. Of course, we’re partial to our Faceted Media travelogue, so without further ado…
In Chronological Order…
Oh my. How excited we were at this moment! We were so ready to take a bite of the Big Apple on our trip to New York City to represent Faceted Media. Here’s us….3 – 2 – 1…..
Here we come NYC! Faceted Media is a global, virtual PR, Marketing, Sales and Tech company that vibes so well with the big city. We’re born and bred Chicago peeps, so it’s natural to want to visit our big sis as often as we can. Here’s me, talking all sappy about my dreams.
Here we are, flying in to NYC on a Faceted Media business trip. This trip, we circled around and flew into La Guardia Airport from the East. We got a prime view of the Statue of Liberty and here you’ll see us flying over Manhattan.
Here we get a little avant guarde wit it and the hotel art. Also, we are glad to have landed after a 3 hour flight. Ironically, it is a 5 hour flight back. #whoa #fmdoesnyc
Welcome to the streets of Manhattan, New York City, New York. It is thick with street vendors galore. Yes, I indulged QUITE a bit out there. Pizza, hot dogs and….Halal! My favorite is falafel and chicken mixed together….yum yum yum.
Pump it up. Here is an arguably ridiculous T-shirt you could get at the Central Park Christmas Market in New York City. Definitely a potential gift for your favorite Millennial EDM fan for their next rave. It trapped me for a moment in a small, dimmed box full of these things. For that moment, I wanted to just stay there for the rest of my days in the soothing liiiiiiight.
And puppets, because why not! I wished I had someone or some reason to buy one. The skeleton was calling my name for sure. Maybe for my next gig at at Dia de los Muertes party.
Here we are, leaving New York City, trying to get a nice street shot outside the Colbert Show, but right there at the last minute, a fellow Faceted Media team member had to go an “arm bomb” our Instagram Travlogue. But, hey, we’ll keep him (and the clip) anyway to show that we aren’t perfect. And, we like working with other humans too.
Ahh. My favorite. Of course, because I put my heart into everything that I did while in New York City, I would stumble across this particular necklace at a pop-up shop right next to my hotel. It truly speaks to what we do. If you never give up, and always follow your heart, all of your dreams will come true.
Can’t Wait to Come Back Soon!
I hope you enjoyed our fun, quirky little travelogue. These fun projects are just a small sample of how we help our clients tell their stories to their fans. We also help you get published in the news, appear as a speaker, design fab graphics, manage your social channels, optimize your website and so much more. Follow us if you like! Right here:
Faceted Media is a company that offers socially conscious public figures and businesses find a voice that is colorful and memorable. We also love to give back to our community and the world by addressing topics that deserve attention such as human rights and conscious actions. Thanks for reading! Comments? Send us a note here!
© all photos and graphics are originals and owned by Faceted Media, LLC