Thoughts from a Socially Conscious Digital Marketing Agency for Small Businesses
As a boutique small business marketing agency owner, I’ve seen a lot of trends. Once I see the trend, then I see the trend copied repeatedly… until exhaustion. What if there was a super old-school way that made you stand out?
What if you were 100% genuine and didn’t try to follow anyone’s lead but your own? Unicorn marketing, led by you, the unicorn business owner.
What is Unicorn Marketing?
One of the best pieces of advice I ever got was to “do the opposite of what everyone else is doing.” I sincerely agree. And, at our marketing agency, we are led by you. We simply take the time to get it done so you can have some back. Unicorn marketing, to us, is doing the reverse of what you might expect from a marketing agency. We want to put the human back into marketing and help you grow authentically, without gimmicks or robots.
Unicorn marketing is anything out of the ordinary, graceful and welcome. Some examples are mailing physical cards and invitations. Making your website easy to set online appointments. Connecting with your colleagues and clients through modern, yet simple email outreach. Socializing through your channels and creating great content that gets shared and enjoyed. Also, making video and writing articles for you so that you can tell your story and educate your audience about interesting angles to your industry and the latest news. Being a human… that’s also magical.
This is What Makes it Magic..
There are a few things. One is our insane preoccupation with all things Google, including pursuing certification through Academy for the Ads. Second is our fascinating with numbers. We are on top of our analytics and research. But, mostly, it’s a factor that can’t necessarily be quantified. We are able to read you. That means, we don’t treat our clients like a one-size fits all, push them through the funnel, pump them through the machine kind of agency…. Nope!
We listen to you. And, we know that some businesses do not need every single social media channel for example! No, insurance agents, you don’t need to spend your time tweeting. If you are, awesome, but we know that there are some mediums that fit better for you than others and seek to help you find that perfect balance of things you love to do and things that we have to do to make everything work.
We Teach You and Make it Fun.
You should know this stuff! And, we’re not trying to keep it from you. We want to keep you involved with what is happening on your site. We’ll check on your analytics together and we’ll make sure that you are signed up for every single Google My Business application required for the best SEO for your website. You’ll have access to everything and anything and be informed of how progress is coming along by the numbers and analytics, right there for you.
We encourage you to do the things you love to do when it comes to marketing and skip the things you hate.
Truly, creativity needs to be nurtured, not forced. Marketing needs to be fun!!! You have to have fun doing it!! With Faceted Media, the unicorns of marketing, you will actually have an enjoyable time, and you’ll know what you’re doing!

PS… you should consider buying the above print, right here! I’m not sponsored, I just love to support artists and Dina is rad (the artist who made this print!).
Back to the article… 🙂
Unicorns are Independent, Rarely Seen or Heard, and Magic as F$@#
Our agency likes to be very low-key. We are experts in our field and create awesome content! And we do it in a way that doesn’t bother you too much. We minimize meetings and use screen shares and videos to show you what we mean when it comes to technical or hard to explain topics. Also, we don’t talk down to you. We encourage you! We don’t take things personally. Don’t like our work, no problem, we can adjust anything!! (Because we’re magical as f$@#).
When we do appear, like a graceful unicorn, we gently bring our presence to you and try to remember… we are trying to save you time… so that you be your own magical unicorn and live your own magical life.
So, we schedule ahead meetings, we learn about you and use our intuition and branding knowledge to help things run on their own. You are going to start getting a lot of compliments, that’s for sure. And, people are going to start seeing you. Your numbers are going to go up and you’re going to generate opportunities. And, you’ll have a library of content to use in so many ways. (Plus a confidante, friend and expert in your pocket – me and my team!).
Join the Unicorn Party: Rare Small Business Marketing that Works
Aw yay! You’re still here! I’m so glad!! If you want to see how this all works and get a custom plan for your company, contact us here.
We can’t wait to help you with amazing photography of you, your team and your space, lovely graphics design, or maybe even a logo-revision, quality and SEO-optimized articles for your blog and original content for your website, videos, social media that is consistent and makes sense (while growing!), ads that crush it (if you want them), newsletters (if you want them), and more ways to continue growing so that you don’t have to spend as much time on it.
Time is all we have! Get your freedom back and contact us at Faceted Media. We can’t wait to meet you.
You are amazing. (Yes, just like a magical unicorn.)
About the Author: Kimberly Hogate, Owner, Faceted Media
Faceted Media truly began in the early 90’s when Kimberly Hogate was about 5 years old and recorded a “radio show” on her Little Tykes cassette player. The show does survive to this day, so we are going to get that digitized some day here. After that, she moved on to analog video editing (two VHS’s connected together), editing family home videos and adding modern touches (like her brother holding up 5 star reviews of the footage!).
Yes, it began young. Not knowing how these strange skills would apply in the “real world,” Kimberly took many years to realize that she was a rare breed that needed to take all this creativity and left-brained statistical thirst and create a creative digital marketing agency. In the “olden days’ she would have make signs, essentially. Yet today, “sign-making” means knowing SEO, many different computer programs, graphic design, an understanding of design, color and fonts, sales philosophy, and major problem-solving skills. The company got its name from being multifaceted in all areas of modern day “sign making.” Inquires, click here.